Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Large corporations Essay

Intranets are private websites, connections, or channels, usually owned by large corporations. The look and the environment of Intranets are relatively the same as Internets – the only difference between them is the fact that Intranets built to be accessible only to a group of authorized individuals that belongs to a certain company. For an Intranet connection to work, the presence of at least two servers is required, and one of which is going to act as a web or a file server. The one, on the other hand, is supposed to work as an email server. The faster and more efficient the microprocessor these individual server has, the better will the Intranet performance is going to be. Of course, aside from the servers, individual computers that connect to the Intranet are also part of the whole setup. These client computers can be connected either physically to the server through the use of a network cable or wirelessly courtesy of wireless network cards (Koehler, 1998). The two servers involved are tasked to transmit files, folders, and web pages to all the computers connected to it through it. The whole setup is also made possible through the use of the server software installed in it. Depending on what is required, each of the two servers needs an operating system, such as Windows, Unix, or Linux, and a combination of different programming software like ASP, PHP, XML, Perl, and other similar applications. Client computers however, would just require a functional operating system and a compatible browser (Dasgupta, 2001). It is the software that basically allows Intranet to function. A regular Windows operating system such as Windows 2000 and Windows XP are capable of working as web and email servers after performing the necessary configuration. However, a lot of administrators prefer to use Windows 2000 Server or Novell instead of the ones stated above. Both Windows 2000 Server and Novell have the necessary software embedded in them so that the Intranet connection can perfectly pass through. Intranet data are transmitted through the use of protocols, sockets, ports, and IP addresses. Once the required sets of software are configured and the necessary hardware in place, then the Intranet connection successfully works. It does not stop there, however. In an inner office intranet setup, security is of utmost importance. Without security parameters, data becomes accessible to the public. The regular username-password dialogue box manifests a commonly practiced Intranet security method. But aside from that, firewalls can also serve as a good security measure because of its ability to block access from an unauthorized IP addresses and similar connection points. Encryption software can also be used, especially if sensitive data are involved, such as bank account numbers, credit cards, and similar financial information (Ashley, 1999). II. Hardware Any regular computer with a network card physically or remotely connected to the intranet can access the server. The more important hardware requirements in an inner office intranet setup therefore, are the web, file, and email servers. These servers should adequately provide high-speed access to the whole network, as they are the backbone of the Intranet system. An office system with more than a thousand employees need a file server with 4 Megahertz processor speed having at least 1 Gigabytes of memory installed. On the other hand, the hard disk it contains should be 10 gigabytes or above and ideally, should follow a redundant array configuration. Still considered as part of the hardware requirement is the server’s operating system and it is the platform from which the Intranet system will work. As stated previously, Microsoft Windows 2000 Server is an example of a functional operating system as it has Microsoft Internet Information Server pre-installed in it. Macintosh, Linux and Unix are also popular choices, although which platform to choose depends entirely on the developer’s expertise and the company’s resources. Intranet follows the basic idea of local area networking. As such, the use of physical network connections is required, either directly or wirelessly. Most companies use network cards, cables, hubs, switches and wireless routers to transmit data requests from the computer to the server and then back again. And for the server to understand which remote computer requested a particular data, the concept of IP addressing comes into play. IP address means Internet Protocol address and each computer in the network is assigned a unique number that falls within the server’s subnet. Computers don’t necessarily understand human language. Consequently, the data received from the remote computer has to be translated into a code that the main servers can understand. This is the main task of a protocol stack, which is another program built-in into a computer’s operating system. Protocol stacks are more commonly called as the TCP/IP protocol, and this is what most companies, large and small alike prefer to use. These data pass through ports. Ports are a special set of numbers present in the header of every data packet sent by the client and the server. Ports are used so that the data being transmitted are mapped properly and directly to the correct process or application as designated. Different applications use different ports. Files, web pages, and emails each pass through a unique port in a computer. This is main reason why it is possible to accept these three different type so data packets all at the same time (Dasgupta, 2001). Routers, on the other hand, are the devices that are tasked to know the exact location of the computer that the data is intended for. Routers can either be a software functioning inside the server, like in the case of proxies. But in many cases, a router is a hardware that contains a firmware that has the capacity to direct traffic within the network or sub-network. While routers know all the computers below them, they do not necessarily know the ones above them. The moment that a packet, or a piece of information, is received by the router from the server, it checks the IP address the data is for. When it finds its location, it will then send the data accordingly. Else, it would transfer the data to the next router in the network, which will do the exact same process until the computer with the matching IP address is found. After which, the computer receives the data and is translated in a human-understandable form so that it can be used by the employee who requested it (Dasgupta, 2001). III. Software After the physical layer is in place and is running, the next thing that the administrator has to do is to setup the server-side functions of inner office Intranet. Depending upon the requirements of the company, a web page-like interface can be installed, which usually come in the form of simple HTML software. But that can be enhanced if utilized along with different script builder programs such as Cold Fusion, CGI, and database applications like Oracle. AT this point, the concepts applied here are generally the same as that an Internet connection. Only in this case, the data is not made accessible to the public, but only to the authorized people belonging to the office network. Aside from hard-core coding software, there is also that need for a design or the so-called perfect interface. Design and interface falls under the wet ware requirement of an Intranet network, although this category is still considered part of the software requirements. The most common reason why companies choose to setup an Intranet connection is because they have that need to gather all their employees at a common point. For this reason alone, an Intranet’s design and presentation becomes important. Consequently, they should always go well within what the employees wants to see and hear every time they access the portal and what the management and the shareholders want to impart. And aside from a good web designer, a talented writer may also be required to create announcements, ads, slogans, and content for the inner office’s intranet site (Koehler, 1998). IV. Security The most important aspect of Intranet connection would be its security, for it is that which primarily makes the Intranet different from the Internet. In an Internet setup, people from across the globe can access the data provided they have a telephone line, a modem, and a decent connection speed. Whereas in an Intranet, only authorized people are allowed. Only those who have desks and computers provided by the company can possibly have access to Intranet. Furthermore, in an Intranet setup, employees are given a username and password and from there, they can be categorized according to their respective department. As a result, only people belonging to a particular department can access the resources allotted to them. For example, the finance department can only go through files related to accounting while the marketing department can only download, modify, and create files that relates to sales. Most of the time, those people who belong to the upper echelon are given total access across departments (Koehler, 1998). Aside from categorization, it is also important for an inner office intranet to use firewalls to further protect their network from unauthorized outside access. Some intranets allow external access from their employees, meaning these people have the ability to connect from outside the office by passing through a virtual private network. For such applications, intensive firewalls are needed to keep other people away from the company’s database and server. Most companies use Cisco router firewalls, which can be considered as hardware, while there are companies that settle for purely software-based firewalls similar but not totally alike, to what Norton, Symantec, and AVG creates. But most firewalls that large corporations use are highly customized – meaning a pool of expert programmers are commissioned to create them from scratch. Open ended and individualized firewalls like these are harder to penetrate unlike the pre-built ones. Basically, what firewalls do is to block the ports from which data passes through, especially if the request comes from an unauthorized source (Ashley, 1999). References Ashley, Paul. (1999). Practical Intranet Security: Overview of the State of the Art and Available Technologies. Massachusetts: Kulwer Academic Publishers. Dasgupta, Subhasish. (2001). Managing Internet and Intranet Technologies in Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities. Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing. Koehler, Jerry W. (1998). The Human Side of Intranets: Content, Style, & Politics. Florida: CRC Press LLC.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lesson Plans and Lesson Presentations

Lesson 1Course: World History   Date: Grade level: 9,10,11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic:   The beginning of the WWII Arizona State Standards: Bell Work:Do you know what war is considered to be the greatest tragedy of all nations?Do you agree wiyh this definition? Why or why not?How do you personally feel about WWII?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)The students are shown 5 minute video stating the losses that the world in general and the US in particular had to suffer after the WWII.Lesson Objective:Students will be able to identify:The causes of the WWII; Main participants; The start of the war. Students will be able to write at least 2 main dates in the history of WWII.The students will be able to form their own opinion who was the initiator of the war and how it could be avoided, if could at all.The main conceptual objective is to make students critically think and analyse historical events.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to remember what had happened after the WWI and what specific treaties were signed. Then he/she leads active discussion about Versailles Treaty, its positive and negative sides. In advance, the teacher gives an individual task for three students to prepare an overview of economic and political situation in postwar Germany, Italy, and Japan respectively. After that, the class is divided into 5 groups representing five countries (regions): Germany, Italy, Japan, former USSR plus Western Europe, and the USA. All of these groups are given 7 minutes to prepare their possible reasons to be engaged in the war.When all of the reasons are announced, the teacher summarizes them and writes down the correct ones on the blackboard. Then the teacher asks one student (voluntarily) to identify key participants of the war, and again writes them on the blackboard. At this time another student is asked to show these countries on the map, pointing specifically at the territories they aspire to gain after the war. All this takes 40-45 minutes. After that the teacher initiates the topic about Moscow conference and invites three students to represent Molotov, Ribbentrop and Churchil l. The teacher asks students to defend the interests of their countries (USSR, Germany and Britain respectively), and the rest of the class should be willing to help. When the discussion is over, the teacher reveals the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and explains its importance in the world history. After that he/she makes a short overview of the first military actions that signified the start of the WWII. Along with students he/she writes down the main dates:Hitler’s party foundation; Moscow conference; Molotov-Ribbentrop secret Pact; The official start of the WWII. Closure:The teacher gives the students a short quiz summarizing the key points of the lesson. In order to avoid students fear and resentment, he/she allows them to use their notes to answer the questions. When they are done, the teacher tells the correct answers and asks the students to check their own work. Only the good grades are fixed. However, the teacher warns that next time all the marks (both good and bad will be put).Extension/Fast finishers:For those who finishes quiz quickly, the teacher asks to fill in the table stating:The reasons of the war for specific countries; Country’s prominent political leaders; Country’s interest in the war. Each fast finisher gets a separate country. The teacher could check the assignment during the class (if there is enough time or prepare them for the next one).Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher refers to the objectives attained as the result of the lesson. Then, he points that in order to develop further students’ critical thinking skills he assigns the following homework. He/she also might ask students how they liked the interactive games and dialogues in order to evaluate the effectiveness of such method of teaching.Individual Student Practice:To write a two page essay expressing own opinion about what parties were guilty and why, and how the war could be possibly avoided, if could be at all.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Breuer B. â€Å"Deceptions of WWII† Wiley: New York, 20012. Morton L. â€Å"Targeting the World War II Generation† In Public Relations Quarterly. Vol.: 49., 20043. O’Brien K. â€Å"The Home-Front War: World War II and American Society† Greenwood Press: Westport, CT, 1995Materials List: textbook, notebook, hand map, pens/pencilsLesson 2Course: American History   Date: Grade level: 11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic:   Veteran’s Day Arizona State Standards:Bell Work:Do any of you have grandparents who survived the WWII?Did your relatives participate in any other American war?What does it mean to them? Did they share the memories?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)Can you count all people you know that have taken part in any American war? Do you consider them heroes? Can you write just one sentence for them to tell or to send as a message to thank for their effort at this glorifying date — Veteran’s Day.Lesson Objective:Students wi ll be able to identify all the significant events in the US history involving wars.Students will be able recall the history of the Veteran’s Day holiday.Students will define the significance of the holiday for present and future generations.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to recall the major events in the US history, which involved military actions. He writes them all on the blackboard. Then the teacher invites one student to put those events/wars in the chronological order. When the student is done, the teacher together with the rest of the class checks the assignment. The teacher asks the student to choose four major American wars and divides the class into four groups accordingly.Each group is given 10 minutes to prepare a short report about the war (everything they know) including the memories of their relatives about the event (for instance, about the WWII). If possible, it is useful to provide each group with one laptop in order for them to make power point presentation. Then each group presents their overview and exchanges the opinion. Basically, the teacher doesn’t intrude, but just direct the discussion and control the time. When the discussion is over, the teacher tells who played a significant role founding the Veteran’s Day as it is. In advance, the teacher also arranges for one veteran of WWII to come to the class and share the experience. The teacher leaves 15-20 minutes for this veteran to share his experience. Extension/Fast finishers:For the group that makes presentation fast, the teacher prepares a statistical information about how many veterans there are in the USA, in what regions etc. He/she asks the group to get familiar with the information and to present it for additional mark. Another possible task is to write the slogans glorifying the courage of those participated in the war. After the writings are done, the big board should be hang on the blackboard.Closure:At the end of the class the tea cher collects the writings with greetings and wishes that students made at the beginning of the lesson and gives them to the veteran invited. He also gives the task for three students to prepare one war poem and learn it by heart. The end of the class is signified by reading of these three poems.Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher encourages the student to say a few words about the significance of the Veteran’s Day for them personally and for future generations. He asks the students to greet their relatives and other people they know who participated in the War.Individual Student Practice:The teacher asks to research the history of the Veteran’s day and prepare a detailed plan stating the main branches of the Veteran’s Day development.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Veteran’s day. Available: The History of Veteran’s day. Oct. 3, 2003. Available: . Adrian G. â€Å"The Silence of Memory: Armistice Day, 1919-1946† Berg: Oxford, 1994 Materials List: notebooks, separate sheet of paper, pen/pencil, laptop (if available)

Project List

The second type of users Is a technical, who Is allowed to update the status of a certain computer part (fixed, not fixed, etc. ). The third type of users Is the system Administrator, who has the ability to add and remove technician and user accounts. 2. A Car Rental System This system will allow for three types of users: guests, members, and administrators. Guests will be able to browse location, availability, price, and model. Members will have their personal information stored (I. E. Name, address, and credit card info. ) and will have access to any specials.Finally, the administrator can change or update car models, prices, etc. 3. A Flight Reservation System Users will be able to look for, book and cancel flights, as well as, organizing trips. There are 3 different types of users. The administrator will be able to add/delete destinations, change prices and so on. The registered users will be able to book/ cancel flights. Finally, the guests will be able to search for flights, bu t they won't be able to reserve them unless they register _ 4. A Grade Report System This system allows a professor logs on to create, access, and updates class grades for dents in his or her class.The students in the class are then able to log on and check their scores for all exams taken in that class. A system administrator is responsible for logging in and adding/deleting students, teachers, and courses from the mall database. 5. A Movie Store System This Is a system for selling and buying DVD's and videos of movies. There will be three types of users. First the regular customers, they can access the database of DVD's and videos with different types of search. Second there is a group of users that can post DVD's or/and videos to be sold.These users have access to add movies to the database, so that regular customers can search for these movies. When the customer has finished searching for a DVD and/or a video he/she can communicate a message to the seller In order to buy the pro duct from him. The third class of user Is the administrator: this user will be in charge of administrating the database and users. The administrator will be in charge of giving and revoking selling privileges to regular customers so that they are able to add videos and DVD's in the database. . A Health Insurance System This system allows agents and customers to view and update Important Information. Heir agent's information, family members, etc. Agents will be able to view and update their personal information and view the information about new businesses, renewals and commissions. This way, they will be able to help any policyholder or agent requesting assistance. Managers would have access to all modules so they will be able to help any policyholder or agent requesting assistance and would be able to update database with new prices. In addition, guest will be able to get free quotes. 7. A Medical Clinic Tracking System This system will provide the doctors and their staff with an e lectronic copy of the patient file.The system will track information for billing purposes and for general management of the clinic such as reporting and document creation. The three levels of access are as follows: (1) Administrator: creates users, assigns roles, and maintain certain questionnaires in the application; (2) Support Staff including nurses, secretaries, and nurses aid: update, delete, and insert records, updating the system o reflect the actual hard copy of the patients file, also will run certain reports and letters generated by the system; and (3) Doctors: will have the same rights as the support staff plus the ability to access certain information via the web. . A University Registration System The University registration system will allow (1) registered students to view their current term schedules, (2) registrars to process students' requests for adding and dropping classes. The system administrator will be able to add and delete students and also will be able to o pen new classes. The system administrator will be also able to determine the number of students in any given class. 9.A Library System This system will allow the users to search for library material (book, magazines, videos, etc. ) according to the criteria specified. This system will also keep track of all the material circulation and their availability. There are three types of users. A patron can borrow and return library material. A librarian can update library material. The system administrator can manage the user accounts including both patrons and librarians.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discussion Question 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Question 2 - Assignment Example The success of a given coaching relationship is mainly determined by achievement of a given coaching goals through development and implementation of a given action plan. More importantly it is critical that coaching goals be clearly defined as well tangible to enhance adequate measurements of the coaching relationship success. It is important to note that coaching goals are in most cases driven by the coach manager’s needs and thereof established early in a coaching relationship to give focus for successive coaching intervention. The success of coaching relationship is assessed based on the level at which the positive behavioral changes are directed by the coaches. Some of the positive behavioral changes, are improved effectiveness in monitoring others in working place and enhanced ability to set goals as well prioritize tasks in a more effective dialog through effective communication. Some of the Signs that a manager is not coaching his or her employees effectively include; n egative attitude, thoughts, and lack of motivation from the employees. Attitude, thoughts, and motivation are some of the signs that an organization uses to evaluate a manager’s effort on coaching his / her employees (Oberstein and American Society for Training and Development, 2009). The success coaching relationship is determined by attainment of a given coaching goals. The success of coaching relationship is assessed based on the level at which the positive behavioral changes are directed by the coaches for instance, attitudes, thoughts and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paradigm Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Paradigm Paper - Essay Example Since gender is culturally determined, it is complex in nature. In the long run gender identity focuses on the various customs within an individual about their socio-cultural life. This is different from other the observation in other animal kingdoms which is specific to the task of reproduction. Sexuality, viewed in this regard in the human kingdom would just be but the tip of an iceberg. Why is this so? This is because human beings have in the recent past lived in such an advanced era that they have changed the original mode of reproduction. In the modern times, reproduction can be fully made a success even in a modern laboratory. This makes it also vary dynamically from one region, society, country or even continent, to the next. There are several gender issues that so much affect the societies globally. Key of this is provision of opportunities. It is evident that most societies we live in provide opportunities that are not equal. For example, the economic principle of division o f labor helps promote biases related to gender. Class Also in regards to sociological question, class is defined as an organization of a given social grouping; which are characterized by similar rights, perceptions if not qualities, and duties. These are most often founded innately on one side and through socialization on the other side. As an end, class is deemed with the task of founding a culture since there it forebears a routine within the organization in question. It is therefore no surprise that the local societies as well as the world over are usually classified. This alone describes the functionality definition of â€Å"class.† Age This refers to the cognition about ones introvert experiences of their age and the developmental stages they are undergoing. It is concerned with identity and can be able to inform any individual where they belong and where they do not belong. For example, the youths know their rightful position and are often perceived by the aged as inexp erienced. On the other hand, the old also presume the role of overseer in any given society, but often in the same societies, the youths consider them with distasteful reactions. This identity does belong to and can be based subjectively to the experiences a person undergoes when aging. Some people will mature in age but the same people may fail to attest to this development. Some may also be young but attest to aging, which for a fact is not the case. In this regard this discipline becomes fundamental to study because it displays a myriad of platforms upon which an individual life may be considered. The other significance is that every individual considers their identities with this importance because their development is so fundamental to them. The aging process can also be used to explain various human psychological processes. A good example is in the learning process. During learning each individual undergoes a change, for example, in this assignment of paradigm paper, I will be able to evaluate myself on my positive progress during this pre-test period and after I shall have undergone a detailed learning process. Belief System A belief system is defines by a perceived way of thought, which most often is termed as a school of thought. It is knowledge that has been conceptualized and standardized in a unique way to form living principles of an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Design of a Production System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Design of a Production System - Case Study Example Mexico has become the most favorable relocation site as it not only offers incentives of cheap labor but the low import duties to materials shipped into Mexico would help the firm to gain cost leverage in the manufacturing and production of subpacks. The proximity to US considerably reduces the transportation cost and time, while at the same time, the fluctuating rate of currency has also less impact on the production process as against Taiwan sourcing site In the rapidly changing environment of globalization, change is essential for development and organizations tend to adapt to the constantly evolving business environment. To exploit the emerging business opportunities, the organization needs to look forward to improve it performance outcome through diversification of its products and services using optimization of operational functions and effective supply chain management. Since supply chain helps coordinate the organization’s various linkages with the external agencies and promotes efficient receipt and delivery of goods and services, it has great potential to give Emerson Electric a competitive edge in the global and domestic arena. Indeed, the evaluation of operational logistics of relocation of company’s subpack production facility from China would greatly facilitate competitive advantage. The business relationship thrives on the modules of exploitation of knowledge gained through the strategic alliances. Hence, it is extremely important that the partners identify their core competencies and forge alliances on areas that either complements or supplements their competencies and market efficiency. Elements of product differentiation become the vital aspects for exploiting business relationships. In the tough economic scenario, the management would like to relocate the sourcing so as to cut cost and increase profit. ACP product line comprises of ceiling fans that are marketed under Northwind and 1895 brand names. Many components of the fans are

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business Environment - Essay Example Although the organization is well capitalized and enjoys a global presence, its reputation has constantly been at stake following several fines related to environmental pollution and inadequate maintenance of equipment and facilities. The company has also been accused of ranking poorly in terms of upholding human rights according to some quarters. In view of the company’s business environment, it may well be concluded that the company has a bright future although it needs to make certain adjustments to continue achieving astronomical growth. The research and findings of this report are based on information drawn from a range of reputable secondary sources including the company’s website. BP Oil Limited, formerly known as British Petroleum Incorporates, is a private limited company whose country of origin is the United Kingdom (British Petroleum, n.d). Incorporation on 20th December, 1947, the company has been in existence for close to 63 years and has achieved significant growth economically and in terms of global presence. With its headquarters located in St James’s, London, BP Oil Ltd ranks among the largest privately owned energy corporations globally. In fact, the company is among the six â€Å"supermajors† as it deals in natural gas, oil exploration, and marketing of petroleum products. The multinational organization is currently listed on the London Stock Exchange and features among the 100 most highly capitalized companies in the United Kingdom (FTSE 100) (British Petroleum, n.d). Its capitalization was approximated at 119,039 million Euros as of October, 2009. As a result of the merger between BP Plc and Amaco in 1998, the company has continued to sell Amoco brands in the United States to-date. This is primarily due to the fact that Amoco gasoline brands have been rated by consumers as among the best in the market for close to 16

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Using Nonlinear Programming and Queuing in Quantitative Decision Essay

Using Nonlinear Programming and Queuing in Quantitative Decision Making - Essay Example The subsection on Forecasting has a detailed discussion on forecasting techniques. The subsection on Queuing tackled different queuing systems. The subsections end with the author’s take on how managers can benefit from each model and how the particular methodology addresses actual real-world situations. Managers have the daunting task of making a multitude of decisions every day for the respective institutions that they head. Depending on the nature of the variables that a particular situation entails, some decisions are arrived at quite straightforwardly while others need to undergo a series of rigorous processes before they are made. Among these challenging yet indispensable methods are Nonlinear Programming, Decision Analysis, Forecasting, and Queuing. With Hillier and Hillier (2010) as its main reference, the subsections that follow will discuss these methods in detail. According to Feiring (1986), Linear Programming is a part of mathematical programming that deals with t he competent and effective allocation of limited resources to a number of known activities to obtain the desired goal, which, most commonly concerns maximizing profit or minimizing cost. It is linear in the sense that the criterion (objective function or index) and the constraints (operating rules) of the process can be expressed as linear formulas. When at least one of these formulas is nonlinear in nature, then Nonlinear Programming is used. As a result, while Linear Programming assumes a proportional relationship between activity levels and an overall measure of performance, Nonlinear Programming is used to model nonproportional relationships. The graph of a piecewise linear function consists of a sequence of connected line segments. Thus, the slope of the profit graph remains the same within each line segment but then decreases at the kink where the next line segment begins.

Innovation - apple Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Innovation - apple - Assignment Example Smooth and quick flow of information, rapid advancement of technology and highly customer centric behaviour of Apple makes it one of the most successful business organizations in the industry. Recently Apple has launched its new product, iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S. The company had to overcome their traditional box of ideas so as to come up with new developments. However, Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, currently emphasises on the development of its existing products, instead of creating a whole new generation of ideas for innovating new products. In this paper, the context of creativity and innovation by Apple would be studied in detail to understand the factors that affect the level of market performance by the company. 2.0 Literature review Creativity and innovation are the most important buzz words in the current business world. Companies are trying to become more creative and improve their innovative ideas in order to maintain their competitive position in the market. However, these t wo concepts are not identical. They refer to different aspects of organizational development. Creativity refers to the capability of individuals to create new ideas or hypothesize new facts. This is the change in people’s â€Å"perception of reality† (Iny and Brabandere, 2013). Innovation, on the other hand, is the â€Å"change in reality† (Iny and Brabandere , 2013). In case of innovation, new ideas that have been created are taken up and worked upon to turn it into reality. For example, the idea of development of the idea of a new kind phone led to the creation of the first concept of iPhone. With this new idea, the iPhone has been created. Once the new iPhone is created, Apple could make various changes in the original product. The company has made different iterations of the iPhone by altering their own understanding of the product possibilities thereby changing the understanding of the customers regarding the facilities that can be offered by a mobile phone . Although this fundamental difference exists between creativity and innovation, these two concepts represent two very important facets of any organization. Creative thinking leads to an innovative product. Hence, it is not possible for any firm to move ahead by making innovative activities, if they lack creative talent amongst their employees. 2.1 Creativity and innovation Innovation is one of the key drivers of growth for any organization in the 21st century business world. Innovation allows the companies to invent new methods in which they might be able to grow in future. Innovation is not a skill that a company can develop within a short period of time through training. It has to have the knack, creative mind set of employees and risk taking attitude to invent new products, or strategies to serve its customer better. This in turn improves the company performance and its market share. This implies that, creativity and innovation is present within the organizational culture and is a part of its fundamental view towards growth. For an organization to be creative and innovative, it

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Impact of an all women department vs. an all male department in a Research Paper

Impact of an all women department vs. an all male department in a company - Research Paper Example According to the statistics of the women working in the business world, it has come to an observation that a big portion of the women in the modern world are at the senior level positions in the organizations from across several business industries around various portions of the world. These business sectors include financial services, pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, banking, oil, and gas, health care, telecommunications and several others. Women have not only come under recognition due to transporting expertise in various processes within the organization that entails change management, diversity management, system theory and several others but also have come under appraisal for their enduring leadership skills and teamwork effectiveness (Cleveland & Stockdale &  Murphy, 2000). While looking at the other end of the spectrum, the records and information also reveals the truth that woman in quite a few nations of the world comes under consideration as the weakest vessel that c an never be on parity with the man. Moreover, they have restricted and limited access to a variety of sectors such as political and business. Indeed, they face a number of problems in the world of commerce that incorporate lower salaries, enjoy fewer benefits, do not get sufficient trainings, and lacks in progression or expansion as compared to the men working in the same organization. In addition, women are significantly prone to issues of unemployment and being a victim of harassment both physical and mental (Maatta, 2009). Studies also provide with evidence that the rate of female unemployment is escalating at a calamitously unprecedented rate in quite a number of countries. While on the other hand, the developing countries are making efforts to practice the equal employment opportunity and give fair treatment to all the employees of the enterprise. Furthermore, these organizations aims towards achieving productive work form all the employees regardless of their genders and provi de them a working environment of â€Å"freedom, equity, security, and human dignity† (Maatta, 2009). Studies and surveys have also provided with the information that within the past few decades, the women have contributed to a substantial level in the growth of the GDP on a global basis. Moreover, the current era is alleviating the prejudice attribute from the business world, thus, creating immense scope for the women to boost their productivity and incomes, as these features have been one of the biggest issues that the women used to face in the times of yore (Maatta, 2009). Teams have come under design in order to achieve the goals and tasks of the enterprise that have emerged to be complex and multifaceted. However, teamwork within the organization is â€Å"one of the most effective and efficient way of achieving incredible results with productive performances from the employees† (Carroll, 2011). Moreover, it also facilitates the employee in personal and career devel opment while determining one’s own strengths and weaknesses (Carroll, 2001). When it comes to decision-making, do women and men tend to think in a similar manner or do their brains have a different working mechanism? This is one of the primary questions that come to the mind of a person when talk men and women in relation to their decision-making capabilities.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing research paper (marketing major required) Proposal

Marketing paper (marketing major required) - Research Proposal Example A company has marketing, manufacturing; sales departments etc and they operate on their own circle. Moreover, under such structure sales and marketing messages become fragmented across myriads of strategies and tactics. At times, marketing develops ideas which the sales unit is unable to sell, which customer fails to deliver and this gets worse in bigger organizations because the various departments fail to function as a whole. On the other hand, integrated marketing mobilizes all the organization’s communication strategies under a single operation which relevant departments implement. Under the method, an organization function’s as a unit with a single objective which is maximizing awareness among targeted populace and ensuring that the marketing message is consistently distributed across all communication channels. Miller Childrens Hospital can benefit immensely by meticulously following a good integrated marketing communication, and for these benefits to be realized, the hospital’s sales promotion, marketing, advert and publicity must be well coordinated. The hospital can grow and the vision expanded both in clientele and contributors. For this to be successful the staffs must be well trained in order to get maximum result in reaching out to the greater populace. Also, in order to have a wider coverage, there is need to reach out to the Clients and Contributors to the organisation. Public Relations Publicity is one major area in which integrated marketing communication can be very effective if it is well utilized. One method of effective publicity is the newspaper. With this medium, Miller Childrens Hospital can reach out to a whole lot of people. There are very reliable means of communication. Another method is through television, the coverage is wider than the former with its visual effect and persuasive message, the people will understand. Another relevant medium

Monday, July 22, 2019

Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children Essay Example for Free

Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children Essay Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people Assignment 1 Within a school, equality, diversity and inclusion is very important. It is their duty to make sure all children have equal access to the curriculum. Whether they are a different race, culture, gender or have a special need or disability, it is important that they are supported and have a right to participate and be treated equal; this is known as inclusion. As part of this it is important that schools and other professionals support and promote cultural diversity in schools and the wider society, breaking down any discriminatory barriers to learning. (1. 2) In a school participation means that everyone has to be involved and this involves the inclusion of the children. The Government is committed to children’s rights and participation. Under Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), children and young people have the right to express their views, and for these to be respected by adults when making decisions on matters that affect them. This means that the schools have to involve the children in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum on a daily basis, asking children what they think, what works and what they think could be better. Children should be given opportunities to express their opinion in matters that affect their lives. Effective participation gives children and young people the opportunity to make a positive contribution to their learning and to develop the skills, confidence and self-esteem they will need for the future. Every child has the right to access the curriculum, Equality of access. This means that children can work to the best of their ability and be treated equally within their learning. The schools have a duty to support these rights and they must be reflected through their policies and procedures and must comply with current legislations and codes of practice. The Equality Act 2010, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, Children Act 1989/2004, SENDA 2001 and SEN Code of Practice 2002 are the relevant legislations that give guidance on how to understand the childrens rights to participation and equality of access. Promoting participation and equal access makes sure that the school is meeting the 5 outcomes of ECM/HCAM and will therefore provide children with the best possible opportunities to to achieve to the best of their ability within the curriculum and their school life. (1. ) Cultural diversity provides a framework to bringing children together who would otherwise be naturally separated by cultural barriers. Pupils cultural development involves pupils acquiring an understanding of cultural traditions and an ability to appreciate and respond to a variety of aesthetic experiences. They acquire a respect for their own culture and that of others, an interest in others ways of doing things and curiosity about differences. They dev elop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to understand, appreciate and contribute to culture. Schools have to promote cultural diversity and follow legislations relating to equality and discrimination, it is the law not to discriminate and this is set out in the Equality Act 2010. There are many ways that a school can promote acceptance and respect of different cultures throughout the school, this could be through teaching in the classroom where the pupils can explore varied cultural backgrounds, learning about celebrations that different cultures participate in for example multicultural festivals that take place different times throughout the year. Also many schools now have welcome signs which are written in languages that pupils within the school speak, displays are also used with work of the children these are a brilliant way of showing the pupils understanding of others cultures and provides information for all within the school. All staff must act as role models and promote cultural diversity this helps reduce prejudice and discrimination and if staff are putting this in place then it will influence pupils to be tolerant of other cultures and with this helps the children understand the diverse society to which they belong. Pupils who understand cultural diversity will be more likely to participate and those of different cultures will feel more involved as they can help with the learning of their culture, with this it will help children in schools and outside in the wider society. In conclusion, schools who promote equality and inclusion through participation and a value of cultural diversity are encouraging children to ave respect for others and not to discriminate and promotes independence for the children. Childrens rights to equal access has to be supported by quality teaching, school policies and procedures. Childrens rights are protected by the law but if the schools follow the laws and provide the vital information through learning, children are more likely to respect others and appreciate their responsibilities to others.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects Of Making Assumptions Based On Stereotypes Social Work Essay

Effects Of Making Assumptions Based On Stereotypes Social Work Essay Stereotype reflects the perception one has of other individuals based on their different physical abilities, emotional appearance, religious, cultural disposition, sexual orientation or ethnicity without knowing anything personal about that person and these views are often connected to experiences, observations or other influences such as the media. I will first outline below some of the reasons why it is important to avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes when providing care for someone and then later on show how individual care workers can guard against doing this. Making assumptions, based on stereotypes, when providing care for someone can have a negative effect on the quality of care, as illustrated in the case of Mhà  iri who suffered from a stroke and needed a wheelchair but opted instead for personal care at home. The care manager, Stuart, who did the assessment could have found out about her sexual preference had he not assumed because she was married that her relationship with partner Gillian was heterosexual. This would have allowed more sensitivity to be shown by the carers when attending to her personal needs. The stereotypical assumption that disabled people cannot communicate would have the consequence of them not being listened to properly and this would deny them the right to appropriate services and having a voice. This would impact on their individuality and personal needs, thereby affecting the quality of care being provided. As one participant wheelchair user pointed out in Its like when you go to the hospital or the doctors, if you go with anybody because youre in a wheelchair they dont address you, they look over you and that really infuriates me. This underscores the need to speak directly with the service users rather than making assumptions that they are helpless or not capable of discussing their caring needs. Showing narrow-mindedness because an assumption is made based on stereotype, is being prejudice and this was highlighted in Gypsy Travellers report about prejudice within the health care service. It can prevent Gypsies from gaining access to appropriate medical services such as the barrier presented by a receptionist the receptionist are harder to get past à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I think theyre doing the doctor a favour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I did something good today, I kept the Gypsies away. Another stereotypical assumption illustrated in is that people with mental health problems are prone to violence such was the case of Simon Jackson. However, he was just reaching out for help and often misunderstood, as he was suspicious of any authority figure. Making stereotypical assumptions can prevent people receiving appropriate care and if a carer has a prejudicial view it could further complicate the matter and deter users from accessing the services. For example, as given in, a disabled lesbian fel t that she was seen as somehow unnatural or abnormal. However, when these beliefs are carried through, it becomes discrimination. An example of this provided in K101 Block 3 Unit 10 where council estate residents were seen as failures and not interested in academic success. In providing care for someone in a local community, care workers should recognise and value diversity, that is, people are different and should be treated differently but fairly to avoid inequality and discrimination. Therefore, it should not be assumed that providing personal care for an Asian female would be the same or similar to that for a white European female. Care workers need to be culturally sensitive and take into account the differences in peoples lifestyles and family relationships. As in people with speech impediments are sometimes stereotyped as being deaf and are often shouted at when communicating and this should not be indicative of all people with such a disability. When providing care for someone with this disability, a carer needs to be more informed about that persons capabilities before engaging to avoid any communication barriers or leaving that person feeling demoralised. It may sometimes be necessary to use stereotypes and make assumptions as it can act as a guide to help in decision-making, such as when organizing a social event for older people in a care home as this could be the target audience and provide the opportunity to cater to their specific needs. Individual care workers can guard against making assumptions based on stereotypes by being more tolerant and make every effort to understand that person better. The care worker should find out what help a disabled person needs instead of assuming what they think they need based on previous experiences or observations. It is important for care workers to avoid being condescending when disabled people are accompanied by their cares but should communicate directly with the disabled persons. If the care worker is not able to understand someone with a hearing impairment, they could ask the person to tell them how they prefer to communicate and not pretend to have understood them when they have not or they could become familiar with that persons method of communication and find ways of keeping that communication going with aids such as Mankaton or other similar sign language. It is essential to identify that there are different religious, cultural and other particular needs of people, ther efore care workers should also see service users as individuals and tailor care according to their individual preferences so that appropriate services can be provided. Care workers need to develop a knowledge and understanding of how the law affecting disability and discrimination as the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 protects disabled people and does not only apply to people who have a physical disability, visual or hearing impairment but can also cover people with learning disabilities. In addition, they should also be familiar with the Race Relations Act 1976, as it is unlawful to discriminate against a person on ground of race, colour, ethnic origin or nationality. An example of this was demonstrated in with an account given by Roz, a white nurse when a patients wife made loud racist remarks that she thought it was disgusting that her husband should be in a bay with three black men on their own which offended the men. Roz did not collude with this racist view by changing the ir bays but instead left the men to sort it out amongst themselves, after gaining their views. In conclusion, an assumption based on stereotypes when providing care for someone should be avoided as it could be construed as being prejudicial or discriminatory and is likely to have a negative Impact on the service user. Individual care workers can guard against doing this by recognising the diverse global village we live in and be respectful of other peoples cultural, religious beliefs and ethnicity as well as any government legislation relating to disability and discrimination.

Analysis of Africas Economy

Analysis of Africas Economy Several economists around the world are wondering whether the majority of Africans are benefiting from investment and profits originating from the continent. African leaders have been in the media claiming that Africa is experiencing one of the highest economic growth rates in the recent past. However, a growing gap between the rich and the poor, increase in cost of living and cost of consumer goods has disproportionate effects on working people as well as the poor. Countries such as Nigeria and Ghana that have reported to be undergoing economic growth are experiencing internal crisis linked to a rising cost of living and need to increase government expenditure on infrastructural development (Ndulu 5). Despite the fact that Nigeria was named as the largest economy in Africa, its women, youth, farmers and workers are increasing their demand for access to quality life, resources and wealth. Furthermore, several alarming reports indicate that the economic growths in various parts of Africa are more complicated than the leaders’ indicate. As result, a research was conducted to unearth the issues behind the economic problems, how African governments and leaders can address them (Ndulu 37). The major problem investigated is the interconnection between economy, social and political leadership with the current economic situation across Africa. It was crucial to analyze case studies and literature reviews containing information on African Economy. They analyzed relevant trade publications, annual economic reports, newspapers, magazines and on-line databases. Because of the time factors, the researchers relied mostly on web for data because it is faster and economical. Volunteers from public and private sectors, African economists, workers, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and African Development Bank provided necessary literature through the publications. The large pool of participants allowed the researchers to obtain wide range of data that was then crosschecked against other data to ascertain its validity. It was necessary to analyze data from various African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa. Nigeria was preferred because it is the economic powerhouse of Africa while Ghana is on the right path to democracy in Africa. Kenya seems to growing both democratically and economically while Democratic Republic of Congo was considered because it has vast natural resources. It was also necessary to compared the economies of such countries, analyze the various natural resources found in those countries, evaluate various sources of income. Finally, analysis of the relationship between democracy and economic growth, natural resources and economic growth and the relationship between economic growth and living standards of individuals was crucial (Ndulu 179). The research process indicates that African economy is likely to grow up to 4.7% during this year and accelerate to 5% in 2015. However, the growth in economy does not translate to infrastructure development, job creation, improved standards of living as well as reduction of high poverty level as well reducing inequality in Africa (African Development Bank 1). West African countries like Nigeria and Ghana continue to experience highest levels of economic levels ranging between 6.7% 7% and are likely to increase further by 2015. The economic growth is due to investment in minerals and oil, democratic governments and good leadership. East Africa is equally experiencing economic growth that has increased up to 6% from last year (Economic Commission for Africa 39). Kenya’s economy has grown due to increased consumer spending; Tanzanians economy has grown due to higher consumption and investment in natural gas. Lastly, Uganda economy is being enhanced by development in telecommuni cations, transport, construction as well as construction of burgeoning oil industry. In the southern region of the continent, the growth is likely to go up from 3.6% to 4.2% due to increased investments and rising mineral mining in South Africa. Economic growth in Africa will be weakest in North Africa due to political instability in the regions and fleeing of investors (Ndulu 193). The research notes that Africa economy is driven by exports, mineral exploitation and commodity production, but the rate is not yet optimal. This is because job creation is weak and the growth has not addressed poverty issues, poor living standards and rising inequality(Westenholz-Bless Achola 97).. The informal sector is still very large yet opportunities remain limited for those seeking employment. This is evident by high rates of youth unemployment as well as wide gender disparities in employment and earnings. Furthermore, increased pressure on labor markets due to increase in population pressure means no any sufficient impact can be felt by the majority citizens. The researchers established that weak job creation is brought about by overreliance on agriculture and mining as source of employment. Overreliance on farming leaves various countries susceptible to weather-related shocks. In addition to this, civil wars continue to pose a huge threat to economic activities in countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, South Sudan and Somalia (Ndulu 200). Though Nigeria is believed to be the economic powerhouse of Africa, the country has serious unresolved problems linked to distribution of wealth and living conditions of the majority Nigerians. According to the graph below, most Nigerians are unsatisfied with their government because the rates of poverty and unemployment are highest in Nigeria compared to other African countries despite the fact that it is the economic power house of Africa (see figure 01). Furthermore, the rate of employment seems to be increasing yearly. Unequal distribution of resources in the country has led to an internal conflict in northern part of the country. The conflict was associated with the majority northerners, who are poor, led to stagnated economic growth in the region. There has been other instances of bombing and abduction of schoolchildren in Nigeria as way of protesting against unequal distribution of resources and declining job opportunities. This has compelled most youths to engage in criminal activities to obtain money to cater for their expenses. Source: University of Twente. Nigeria Energy Study Report, Enabling Urban Poor Livelihood Policy Making: Understanding the Role of Energy Services. May 2014, Figure 01. Africans must rise up and determine their own destiny without any fear. From the results of the findings, there is a clear relationship between a peaceful democratic country and economic growth. Countries like Ghana and South Africa have experienced economic development due to peaceful elections and responsible leaders who encourage investors to invest in the countries. Rwanda that was on brink of self-destruction due to civil war in 1994 is now experiencing high rates of economic growth due to good leadership. This is a clear indication that security of a country is directly related to economic growth. Security ensures everyone gets an opportunity to go to work, students go to school and other economic activities take place. In addition to this, it gives the country a humble time of producing quality goods to sell abroad. As result, the country obtains revenue from the economic activities that lead to economic growth (Hughes, Mills Street, 01). Africans must also avoid overreliance on minerals and farming as the main source of livelihood. Countries like Uganda and Kenya have created job opportunities in sectors like road construction, trade activities, and telecommunication sector and transportation industry. The situation shows various job opportunities that can be created outside the traditional ones. In order to avoid uncertainties that come with climatic changes, Africans should utilize their rivers and lakes to create irrigation schemes. They should borrow irrigation technology from Israel that is a desert country yet it produces more food than it can consume. Lastly, Africans should observe family planning methods. The report indicated that most parents give birth to more children than they can take care of. This increases pressure on the limited resources in the continent (Hughes, Mills Street 1). Works Cited African Development Bank. Nigeria Economic Outlook. 2014. Web. 15 May 2014. Economic Commission for Africa. Economic Report on Africa 2008: Africa and the Monterrey Consensus: Tracking Performance and Progress: Overview. Addis Ababa: Economic Commission for Africa, 2008. Print Hughes, Ian. Mills, Greg. Street, Michael. â€Å"The solution to Africas woes lies with Africans, not the west.† The Observer mag. 10 March 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. Ndulu, B J.The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print. University of Twente. Nigeria Energy Study Report 2005, Enabling Urban Poor Livelihood Policy Making: Understanding the Role of Energy Services. 2005. Web. 12 May 2014. Westenholz-Bless, Claire. Paul P. W. Achola.Fundamentals of Social Research Methods: An African Perspective. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta Legal and Academic Publishers, 2007. Print.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mental Health State Essay -- Healthcare, Vision, Mental Health

Low vision assessments as a routine normally include case history and psychophysical measurements. By adding mental health state and low vision quality of life questionnaires during case history, a better quality of low vision rehabilitation can be offered to low vision patients. Low vision rehabilitation is very rewarding because much can be offered to assist the low vision patients. We report a 43-years old female who had tractional retinal detachment secondary to diabetic retinopathy and how low vision rehabilitation can be improved by adding simple steps incorporating mental health state and quality of life questionnaire which can be measured objectively during case history in low vision assessment. As this case report shows, recognition of the mental health and quality of life impact on visual impairment is very critical to institution of appropriate rehabilitation and referral for low vision patients. Introduction Currently, low vision assessment routine normally involved mainly the case history which includes the patient’s main complained, patient’s requirements, patient’s ocular history, patient’s general health plus medication, family history of ocular diseases and general health. The psychophysics measurement such as visual acuity (VA), refraction, visual field measurement, contrast sensitivity function test, assessment of anterior and posterior part of the eyes were the common examination conducted during low vision assessment (Jackson & Wolffsohn 2007). However, mental health state i.e The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) (Ramli et al. 2007) and Low Vision Quality of Life Questionnaires (LVQoL) (Walffsohn & Cochrane 2000) are not routine in case history during low vision assessment at Low Vision Clinic, U... ...sians. Asia Pac J Public Health 21(1):43-50. 12. Norhani, M. & Suzainah, Y. 1998. Profile of low vision clinic population. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 81(5):198-202 13. Ramli, M., Mohd Ariff, F. & Zaini, Z. Translation, validation and psychometric properties of Bahasa Malaysia version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). ASEAN Journal Psychiatry 8(2):82-89 14. Wolffsohn, J. S. & Cochrane, A. L. 2000. Design of the Low Vision Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (LVQOL) and Measuring the Outcome of Low-vision Rehabilitation. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 130(6):793-802. 15. Zainal, M., Ismail, S. M., Ropilah, A. R., Elias, H., Arumugan, G., Alias, D., Fathilah, J. Lim, T. O., Ding, L. M. & Goh, P. P. 2002. Prevalence of blindness and low vision in Malaysian population: results from the National Eye Survey 1996. Br J Ophthalmol. 86:951-956

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Athletes -- Pay for Play? Essay -- College Sports Salary Playe

College Athletes -- Pay for Play? There have been ongoing arguments over the past decade of whether or not college athletes should be paid to play. Many argue that they do not have time to get real jobs because the requirements for the sport that they participate in are far too demanding. Others cite that these athletes are provided full scholarships to attend the schools at which they are playing the sport. However regardless of the argument, I still feel that college athletes should NOT be paid to play.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  College athletes are not forced into playing the sport that they have devoted their time to during their years in secondary education. They continue to play into the college level for their love of the game. And for this, many college athletes are offered full scholarships. Today’s tuition for many schools are so expensive that without the scholarships that some of the students receive, they would not be able to attend college at all. For these students, college sports offer a great avenue to obtain an education that otherwise would not have been available for them. This allows them opportunity to study something that they can use to build a better life for themselves and their families.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people believe that the money generated from the sports played by these kids should be given back to them as they are the ones drawing the fans to these events. However few realize how little schools actually gain money by participating in the National Colligate Athletics Association. A recent study conducted by USA today showed that there are only 40 schools that consistently turn profits from the sports that they host. (Whiteside, This means that out of approximately 200 schools who participate in division one sports, only 1/5 actually would have money available to give back to the student athletes. Furthermore, it would be unfair to provide the students who play the sports, the money that is generated from their events, rather then putting the money back into the schools. Although these students participate and spend much of their time playing, they are no more special then the average student who attends the school. Putting the money back in to the school itself allows everyone a better education, rather then just a few students, some spending money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are also arguments that because of the rigorous sch... ...† says Myles Brand the president of the NCAA. ( The program continually complains that providing players unsanctioned funds spoils fair competition between teams, because some players will only want to go to schools with a reputation for providing players extras such as money, cars etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While there are several arguments for a pay for play program, the downside to these arguments outweigh any chance of a program ever being put into action. The NCAA maintains that it will never allow for such programs however they are trying to allow more freedoms to student athletes. These freedoms include bigger monthly stipends, and more money allowed per year in the Special Assistance Fund. If these adjustments can be made I feel as though it will never be necessary for a pay for play program, and the NCAA can maintain the integrity it hopes to achieve.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Work Cited Page 1) Whiteside, Kelly (2004) College Athletes Want a cut of the Action- (accessed November 28, 2006) 2) Fleck Jon (2002) College Athletes–pay for play?- (Accessed November 28, 2006) College Athletes -- Pay for Play? Essay -- College Sports Salary Playe College Athletes -- Pay for Play? There have been ongoing arguments over the past decade of whether or not college athletes should be paid to play. Many argue that they do not have time to get real jobs because the requirements for the sport that they participate in are far too demanding. Others cite that these athletes are provided full scholarships to attend the schools at which they are playing the sport. However regardless of the argument, I still feel that college athletes should NOT be paid to play.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  College athletes are not forced into playing the sport that they have devoted their time to during their years in secondary education. They continue to play into the college level for their love of the game. And for this, many college athletes are offered full scholarships. Today’s tuition for many schools are so expensive that without the scholarships that some of the students receive, they would not be able to attend college at all. For these students, college sports offer a great avenue to obtain an education that otherwise would not have been available for them. This allows them opportunity to study something that they can use to build a better life for themselves and their families.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people believe that the money generated from the sports played by these kids should be given back to them as they are the ones drawing the fans to these events. However few realize how little schools actually gain money by participating in the National Colligate Athletics Association. A recent study conducted by USA today showed that there are only 40 schools that consistently turn profits from the sports that they host. (Whiteside, This means that out of approximately 200 schools who participate in division one sports, only 1/5 actually would have money available to give back to the student athletes. Furthermore, it would be unfair to provide the students who play the sports, the money that is generated from their events, rather then putting the money back into the schools. Although these students participate and spend much of their time playing, they are no more special then the average student who attends the school. Putting the money back in to the school itself allows everyone a better education, rather then just a few students, some spending money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are also arguments that because of the rigorous sch... ...† says Myles Brand the president of the NCAA. ( The program continually complains that providing players unsanctioned funds spoils fair competition between teams, because some players will only want to go to schools with a reputation for providing players extras such as money, cars etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While there are several arguments for a pay for play program, the downside to these arguments outweigh any chance of a program ever being put into action. The NCAA maintains that it will never allow for such programs however they are trying to allow more freedoms to student athletes. These freedoms include bigger monthly stipends, and more money allowed per year in the Special Assistance Fund. If these adjustments can be made I feel as though it will never be necessary for a pay for play program, and the NCAA can maintain the integrity it hopes to achieve.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Work Cited Page 1) Whiteside, Kelly (2004) College Athletes Want a cut of the Action- (accessed November 28, 2006) 2) Fleck Jon (2002) College Athletes–pay for play?- (Accessed November 28, 2006)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Odyssey :: essays research papers fc

Homer’s poem The Odyssey depicts the tendency of people to ignore the consequences of their actions. Odysseus punished Penelope’s suitors without thinking of consequences that he would have to endure. He did not acknowledge the consequences because that would prevent him from doing what he wants to do. Odysseus wanted to kill the suitors; they ate away at his fortune. Finding consequences for murdering the suitors would force Odysseus to realize what he is about to do is not a good idea. Odysseus chose to ignore the consequences and killed the suitors anyway. Odysseus had absolutely no reason to kill the suitors; they had the right to stay in his home because Penelope made them feel welcome, Penelope and Telemachus both told them that Odysseus was dead, and although Telemachus told them to leave, he did not have the right to do so. Throughout the poem, Penelope encourages the suitors to stay in her home by making them think they are welcome. With Odysseus gone Penelope chooses whom she hosts in the great palace. Penelope does hate the suitors but she never once tells them to leave. She even makes the suitors think that she would be choosing her new husband soon and in this way she makes them feel welcome in her home. Antinous, a suitor, responds to accusations Telemachus made to the suitors at an assembly. It’s not the suitors here who deserve the blame, It’s your own dear mother [Penelope], the matchless queen of cunning. Look here. For three years now, getting on to four, she’s played it fast and loose with all our hearts, building each man’s hopes- dangling promises, dropping hints to each- but all the while with something else in mind. (2.94-100) Penelope makes each individual suitor feel special and makes him believe that she would pick him as her new husband. This action implies not only that she allowed the suitors to remain in her household, but more importantly that she wanted the suitors to stay. Therefore, Penelope’s speech and actions toward the suitors justified their remaining in the home. Statements made by Telemachus and Penelope about Odysseus’ whereabouts leads the suitors to believe that he is deceased and, therefore, that Penelope is single and ready to court once again. When a woman is widowed, she begins trying to find a new husband and single men come to court the woman. Since Penelope and Telemachus tell the suitors that Odysseus is dead, the suitors have the right to stay and court Penelope.

Elderlies in the Philippines Essay

When people grow old, they either have the option of being cared for by family or being cared for by the homes. In making that choice, there seems to be a cultural pattern or tradition that is prevalent. In most Western countries, where the values of youth, self-reliance and individualism are held in high regard, the latter is chosen most of the time. In Asian countries however, like that of China where the concept of ‘filial piety’ means showing obedience, deference and respect to your elders are honoured, taking in the elderly is a common practice. The significant number of the elderly in the Philippines population is not ignorable. In the Philippines, 6.8% of the 92.1 million household in 2010, make up the senior citizen sector. Among these, females (55.8%) outnumber the males (44.2%). The ageing index of the country was computed to be at 20.3% in 2010. This means, that for every five children under 15 years old, there is one person aged 60 years and over. But to add to add to this, these elderlies once contributed to the government’s institutions and their contributions should not be overlooked even though they seem to be well past their primes. They say, wisdom comes with age. Perhaps then, this paper, that serves to analyse the perceptions and receptions of the elderly, will contribute, not only to what today’s youth and the next generation could give back to the elderly but how the community and the country, could age with the elderly, both in years and in wisdom. The discussants and interviewees have varied backgrounds from Quezon City, to San Juan City and Makati City – almost all have children, most are still married and some of them still live with their children and grandchildren. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: The Female Prowess Most of the respondents preferred to live with their daughters who are not married. If the latter is not fulfilled, they still prefer to live with their daughters over their sons. The respondents did not like being taken cared of by those that are married already because of: a) the inlaws b) the children and b) the husband. On an FGD, a male discussant said, â€Å"Ngayon nga ang hirap nung may asawa kasi kapag kapwa babae hyan, mahirap magkasundo.† On an FGD, a female discussant said, â€Å"Nawala na ang atensyon sa magulang at sa anak na lahat.† On an interview, a female interviewee said, â€Å"Mag-iiba talaga may asawa. Susundin niya ung asawa niya.† Despite the reasons they gave however, the underlying tradition brought about by the masculine dominated post-colonial Asian Catholic values puts an expectation and/or pressure on the female children as most of the respondents, when asked, prefer to live with their daughters going with the answer, â€Å"kasi babae eh†. The fact that no further explanations were offered by some suggests that it is understood what being a woman entails. Another discussant said â€Å"eh mga anak ko kasi mga babae kaya spoiled din ako sa mga pasalubong at alaga nila†, implying that girls are generous and caring. Not only is it given in this case, but expected as well, because the respondents chose their female over their male children. Birth order Like the sex difference in the perceptions of the elderly when it comes to the living arrangements they prefer, the birth order has a relevant count in the Filipino household. The eldest is looked up to to fulfil the cumulative responsibilities of the children, although it does not take precedence in choosing the female as the caregiver of the parents. The eldest might be a man and it is expected of him to marry whenever it’s the right time. Although the eldest is usually the bearer of the responsibilities with regards to family woes, he is expected to look at the family in a macrocosm (from his own family born out of marriage, to the family of his siblings, and to the family he was born out of), thus making way for the woman in the family to focus on the microcosm picture of taking care of the elderly. Birth order is of relevance because they have the power to influence one of the discussions of the constantly persist in the family when an elderly is involved. Mon ey A few respondents said that inheritance is a hard topic to discuss because the children drag in the birth order when the discussion is opened. â€Å"Mahirap pag-usapan agn mana. †¦Ako ang eldest, dapat sa akin and ganito, ganyan.† â€Å"Dapat pag-usapan na. Mahalaga ang pinag-uusapan ang mana, para hindi na magkagulo.† Although a few wish to evade the discussion that may break up the family, others pointed out that the earlier it gets talked about the lesser the trouble it would cause. Thus, the perception between the birth order and the money involved in the inheritance is of question. However, only one respondent answered straight as an arrow when asked the question. â€Å"Siguro kung meron man doon yun mapupunta sa makakatulong pa sa akin.† Taga-payo/Nanghihimasok Whereas they passively recognize that they should take an active role in the inheritance and in their living preferences, when asked about their other roles inside within the four walls, the elderlies answered that they take a passive stance knowingly. They usually do minimal household chores for the family. Taking care of the apos also came with the list especially when both the parents are working. The role of taking care of the grandchildren seems to be a practice that is accepted by the community. The help however extends still when they offer advice to the family although most of the respondents say that their takes on the matter merely serve as guides. â€Å"Mga important decisions, ayokong makialam.† Important decisions to be made are not sometimes consulted and/or offered but most of the respondents have indicated that their children should know what they are doing and that they are only there to guide but not to commit what grandparents are usually accused of: nanghih imasok or overstepping on family matters. Pamilyang Pilipino Still on the topic of how and where one lives, the topic of Hones for the Aged were brought to the floor. One verbatim account that could best collate the answers of others are worded, â€Å"Ang maganda lang dyan eh makakasama ka ng mga taong nakaka-initindi sa inyo dahil pare-pareho kayong oldies, pero ayoko atang matrap sa loob ng institusyon maski gaano kaganda.† All the respondents who were asked about their perceptions of the Home for the Aged had negatives views and did not wish to be in a Home. A common response was the respondents’ comparison of the Homes here with the Homes in the West from: the price of going into a home, the facilities, the care received, the government support. Some were actually tolerable to the idea of a Home provided that the Home is in the US. However, the concept of Pamilyang Pilipino is still very much there as they feel that they should stick together with their families. Children taking care of their parents seemed to be a given as well as one respondent answered. â€Å"SOP dapat yun†. Another pointed out that children must be taught by their schools of the responsibility of children to take care of their elders, implying that sending them to a Home does not constitute what care is. BEYOND the FOUR WALLS Libang Outside the confines of a house, the topic of work has been discussed with the respondents. Almost all of the respondents said that their work now is mostly for them to do something. Work now is treated as a â€Å"libangan na lamang† because they have pension, the children are no longer going to school and most of them are already working too. Work keeps them busy. â€Å"Eh kasi pag tumatambay lang ako para akong nagkakasakit,†, this thought on being idle has been voiced out by a lot of the respondents. Some respondents, especially those who are not entitled to their pension and don’t have children, do intend to still work while they still can because they do feel that they need to save. The thought of work being just a necessity and not a hobby prevails.All of them however, still say that they love their job and they try to still be good at it. â€Å"Ang naapektuhan lang sa akin ay ang bilis sa pagtatrabaho, lalo na kapag may rayuma. Kung dati nagagawa ko ang task ng isang oras nagagawa ko ngayon ng tatlong oras, yung dedication sa trabaho, walang pinagbago.† Organizations Besides from work, they have social groups that they participate in. Organizations seem to be hot even with the elderly. â€Å"Dati kasi wala namang ganito. Dati ung lola ko sa simbahan lang un. Ung ngayon naman, nasa brgy kami, may ganito kami, nasa qc hall kami. Kaya dumadami ung senior na nagpparticipate.† Associations seem to make the elderly’s time more fruitful. Being church group leaders and active participants make them look forward to something. Organizations offer belongingness when it can’t be found at home and/or in the workplace. The PRACTICES of RESPECT â€Å"Para nang ang trato ng mga kabataan ay parang halos kasing edad nila ang matatanda.† The distance between the elderlies and the today’s generation seem to be closer. And whereas almost all consider this to have a negative effect, some actually disagree. In Action If the presence of many organizations seems to be non-traditional with respect to the elderlies, the practices of respect are expected and are held in high regard as well. The respondents’ responses for respect come in two forms: in words and actions. As actions speak louder than words, most of the elderly said that the practices that they did for their grandparents, ceased to exist now. Pagmamano, a distinct Filipino trait when respecting the elderly is not practiced as much anymore. So is offering a seat during a bus ride and helping them to cross the street. With respect, it’s not what you do that counts but what you don’t as well. The presences of vices or engaging in bisyos are tantamount to disrespecting your elders. In Words The long standing po and opo still seem to be in effect as no respondent brought it up. But again, sometimes, it’s not what you say, but what you don’t that could please the elders. Whereas, in some cultures, explaining yourself and whatever misconduct or shortcoming is the accepted practice to show that you respect someone who is talking to you, in the Philippines, talking back is one of the most disrespectful things you could commit. A discussant defined respect as, â€Å"Un bang pag nagagalit ako, hndi sila sumasagot sa akin.† However, not all of the respondents agreed to this. A respondent pointed out that today’s generation are not only â€Å"mas western† but are more vocal. â€Å"Ngayon kasi nagkakaroon kasi ng dialog ang mga may edad at saka mga bata. Sinasabi nila kung ano ang mali. Hindi naman lahat ng magulang tama.† The dialogue between the elderly and the youth is seen as a way of adjusting to each other’s needs. A lmost all of the respondent however prefer what was practiced then, some saying, â€Å"Dati smin, isang tingin, tiklop ka na.† Kusang Loob/Utang na Loob/Asa Respect however, encompasses not only the tangible practices. It moves in the bigger picture or dialog between the elderly and the children. When asked about the support that their children can give to them, almost all answered that they do not want to keep their hopes up. The concept of asa seems to be greatly tied to the concept of asking help. Filipinos, in general â€Å"do not want to take no for an answer†. This Ready for Disappointment mentality mentioned in Lacson, 2001, persists even in the elderlies as they would rather not ask help because, as one respondent said, â€Å"Masakit umasa.† Although almost all of the respondents answered that they are not expecting help, the concept of kusang loob is present. â€Å"I did my best to provide at nagkukusang-loob naman silang tumulong sa akin ngayon.† â€Å"Hindi ako lumalapit. Ang nangyayari, sila mismo ang gumagawa ng paraan.† The elderly do not expect help. They expect the ir children to understand that help should not be asked but it is expected to be offered. Utang na Loob â€Å"Dapat tumanaw ka ng utang na loob. Hindi ka tao kung hindi dahil sa kanila.† Most of the respondents said that it is only right to give back to people who have spent on you. Because of their Ready for Disappointment, almost all did not explicitly say that it is their children who need to give back to them. They mainly pointed out the importance of giving back. The three concepts are tied together. The elderly do not want to ask for help and get their hopes up in the fear of being hurt or disappointed. But because they feel that they’ve raised their children in a befitting manner, they should look back and â€Å"tumanaw ng utang na loob† by offering help that they won’t ask but they somehow expect to a certain point. The RISE of TECHNOLOGY The elderly, although a stickler for the ways of showing respect, try to adapt themselves to the current generation and its technology and one respondent even attributed a practive of respect through the means of technology. When asked to define respect, she said, â€Å"Kinakamusta ako sa text.† â€Å"Kahit papano gusto ko updated ako sa mga pinag-uusapan ng mga bata, sa pinapanuod at ginagawa nila. Mabagal man ako makaintindi niyang ipad-ipad ng mga batang yan pero ngayon atleast natuto na akong mag email at magchat sa facebook.† This answer should be looked at a bigger picture however because unlike the other respondents, this respondent came from one of a city with a thriving business. And with that, the respondent is more surrounded by people who aggressively take part in the fast and changing world. The enthusiasm of the respondent was echoed by most of the respondents. Some practices of respect which could not be performed by the children were unknowingly blaming technology or the children who were born into a generation that is very technology-dependent. â€Å"Dati kasi pag dating ni amang may dala silang slippers (a Philippine tradition where the children brings the father the slippers on the premise that he needs to relax after a long day’s work), eh ngayon tutok na sa TV.† â€Å"Malakas kasi ung impluensya ng napapnuod. Imbis na making sa lola. Kasi may gngawa, kasi nagkkomputer.† â€Å"Nagsasalita ka ng salita mo, un pala may nakasaksak na earphones dito.† One of the respondents also noticed the reaction of the children towards technology when the elderly tries to involve themselves with the onhand technology. â€Å"Tapos pansin ko lang siguro na maikli ang pasensiya ng mga bata..lalo na pagtechnology ang tinatanong mo.†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Harnessing Solar Energy

Harnessing of Solar thrust Photosynthesis versus Semiconductor Based Solar cubicle Photosynthesis and equipageconducting material-based solar cells argon two(prenominal) employ to harness solar slide fastener from the sunninessshine photosynthesis for plants and semiconducting material based solar cells for benignant beings. Photosynthesis consists of commence reactions and dark reactions. It is a dish in which carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and light might are applyd to combine an aptitude-rich carbohydrate like glucose (C6H12O6) and to convey oxygen (O2) as a by-product.Simply put, photosynthesis is a growth that transfers efficiency from the sun (solar push) into chemic get-up-and-go for plants and animals. Photosynthesis is a vital process among plants, alga and some bacteria that are subject to create their own provender now from inorganic compounds using light vim so that they do not take up to eat or rely on nutrients derived from opposite livi ng organisms. A semiconductor-based solar cell is devised to switch light to galvanizing current.The solar cell directly commutes the nothing in light into galvanisingal energy through with(predicate) the process of photovoltaics (a field of semiconductor technology involving the direct metempsychosis of electromagnetic radiation as cheer, into electricity). Solar cells do not use chemical reactions to produce electric power, and they contribute no locomote parts. Most solar cells are intentional for transfering sunlight into electricity. In large arrays, which whitethorn contain many thousands of individual cells, they clear function as central electric power stations analogous to nuclear, coal-, or oil-fired power plants.The conversion of sunlight into electrical energy in a solar cell involves lead major processes absorption of the sunlight in the semiconductor material generation and separation of extra positive and negative charges to different regions of the sola r cell, creating a voltage in the solar cell and transfer of these separated charges through electrical terminals to the outside application in the form of electric current. Comparisons Photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells both get their energy from the sun and convert it into a form that is needed both by plants or humans (Vieru, 2007). The firstbornly two steps of photosynthesis involve capturing photons released from the sun and using that energy to create a flow of electrons. From there, photosynthesis involves using that electrical energy to create chemical energy (Stier, 2009). The products of photosynthesis are sugars to feed plants. Semiconductor-based solar cells likewise bugger off photons that use energy to create a flow of electrons which create electrical energy. A final similarity between photosynthesis and solar cell technology is that a semi conductor has solar cells that immobilize energy from the sun and convert it into electricity.Plants have c ells that trap energy from the sun and convert it into reclaimable products (Haile & OConnell, 2005). Contrasts The first contrast is in the conversion of energy detain by the sun photosynthesis converts solar energy to chemical energy use by plants and semiconductor-based cells convert solar energy into electricity used by humans. The solar panels for semiconductors are manmade and photosynthesis comes from a natural process. Finally, photosynthesis has been around for billions of long time do it the oldest technology on earth (Stier, 2009).Charles Fritts created the first solar panel in 1883 which operator the semiconductor has been around for about 229 years a mere zygote to photosynthesis. Thermodynamics Semiconductor-based solar cells and photosynthesis both use the polices of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the study of the conversion of energy between heat and other forms, mechanical in particular and it has three laws. The first law of thermodynamics says that energ y is conserved, it is incomplete created nor destroyed but can replace form. This is called energy conservation.The second law of thermodynamics says that systems eer tend to be in states of great disorder. As disorder in the origination increases, the energy is transformed into less uncommitted forms. The third law of thermodynamics is usually verbalize as a definition the entropy of a perfect crystal of an particle at the absolute zero of temperature is zero. Thermodynamics hold in to photosynthesis by plants transforming sunlight energy into nourishment this is an example of the first law. During the process of photosynthesis plants also lose energy because they to not convert all of he energy trapped from the sun into food. Some of the energy is doomed in the process this demonstrates the second law of thermodynamics. Plants needing to trap energy from the sun perpetually demonstrates the final law of thermodynamics because the cycle is repeated. In semiconductor-b ased solar cells energy from the sun is reborn to electricity this is the first law. Because energy is woolly-headed in the conversion, the second law of thermodynamics is apply here. Finally, the cells have to continually obtain energy from the sun which obeys the third law of thermodynamics (Heckert, 2007).Solar energy has been around for billions of years whereas semiconductor-based solar cells have only been around a teensy-weensy over 200 years. In piece of music this, I have discovered that solar energy is harnessed by both photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells to convert energy into food and electricity to be used by plants and human beings. Both photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells utilize all three laws of thermodynamics by converting energy, losing energy, and caparison energy constantly. This shows the many similarities and differences between photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Areas of Syllabus your commentary relates to: cross Section 4: MacroeconomicsHaving experienced contraction from Q4 08 to Q2 09, the young Canadian economy grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2009, beating predicted forecasts. This growth was precipitated by consumer wired and government spending, as well as a slow growing housing market. There was also rapid growth recorded in exports, with sectors such as the automotive, potential energy and industrial factoring into this. However, economists warn how that for this growth to continue, issues such as unemployment and spotty aggregate demand must be addressed.It is an interesting science, even if it isnt an exact science.Fiscal policy generally concerns itself with creating conditions of full employment, price stability and real GDP growth. Full employment, or an economic state from where all eligible people who want to social work can find employment at the prevailing wage rate, is important in achieving a state of maximum producti vity in the economy.The direct current unemployment rate is 8.2%, above the generally accepted natural rate of unemployment.In clinical most instances, you might need to past compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics.

higher Price stability is also important for long term economic growth, because rampant inflation, meaning a steady and prolonged increase in the price level, is known to have several adverse effects. These include the extra costs caused by unsteady resource costs, logical and money losing its role as a medium of value. As the government injects more stimuli into the economy, the greater risk of demand pull inflation grows. Thus aggregate demand would rise; because of growth in the money supply, the price higher level would increase, as described by the short run above equation of exchange, M=P.Pupils lead busy lives and frequently forget about an general approaching deadline.Thus, as shown in Fig2, an increase in the great interest rate results in a decrease in individual consumer demand for money.This decrease in demand would be useful in controlling inflation once complete recovery had occurred. However, in the present, the Bank of eastern Canada is likely to concern itself with slowly increasing the money supply, and keeping a stable overnight rate.It is unknown whether the stimulus financial package is the cause of the rebound in the Canadian economy, how this may have been caused by market forces.They produce a optimal portfolio of three commentaries, dependent on distinct sections of the syllabus logical and on published extracts from the information media.

Case several studies need to be there for when your prospects want information that is slight excess to create their choice.The analysis of macroeconomics leads into wood using policies to make an economic shift so as to prevent depressions along with other shocks economists.Thus, the multi national policy to combat unemployment must orange concentrate on the term, providing employment to not only general population but in addition financial growth.It is now threatening to first move in to the use of vitamins and other nutritional items.

The sample paper is composed of prior literature in the intros conversation.Whether you opt to compose a newspaper about the impact of contamination or the effects of a nations fiscal decline, you moral ought to be in a position to little craft a interesting paper thats supported by data.Bear in mind deeds that the topic isnt as essential as is the strategy.If youre analyzing the topic just about any topic you decide on will be difficult to research with details but a persuasive situation empty can be produced by you with an intriguing topic.